Morristown Uber Accident Attorneys
Over 35 years of experience. Over $100 million recovered for clients.
Morristown Uber Accident Attorneys
Over 35 years of experience. Over $100 million recovered for clients.

Morristown Uber Accident Attorneys

As the county seat of Morris County, Morristown sees plenty of traffic. Travelers visit or pass through Morristown as part of daily trips to work or school, to run errands, or to see the sights in this historic community. Many visitors rely on ridesharing services like Uber to help them commute in and around Morristown. 

Uber Technologies, Inc., known as “Uber” for short, focuses on providing transportation networks in cities throughout the US and the world. Uber is best known for its ridesharing services, which connect drivers and people seeking rides. Uber drivers pick up riders in their personal vehicles. 

Any Uber trip involves several parties: the rider, the driver of the car, and Uber itself. When a serious injury or accident occurs, the situation can quickly become complex. Determining who is responsible for which losses can prove challenging. Several insurance companies may become involved, creating more opportunities for delay and argument. 

If you’ve been injured in an Uber accident, don’t wait. Talk to the experienced Morristown Uber accident lawyers at the Todd J. Leonard Law Firm today. 

New Jersey Uber Accident Statistics

Uber began offering ridesharing services on the Jersey Shore in 2013. In the years since, Uber’s popularity in New Jersey has increased. Riders appreciate how easily Uber connects them to drivers and rides to work, school, local airports and restaurants, and other destinations. 

Uber may be convenient, but using Uber comes with risks. For example:

  • Traffic rates are 3 percent higher in cities with high Uber usage than in cities without. More traffic on the roads means a higher chance that a crash will occur. 
  • Ridesharing adds 2.6 miles of road time for every mile of personal driving saved. This increase is often due to the fact that Uber drivers must travel to their rider’s location to pick them up. More vehicles are on the road in Uber-heavy areas, and they’re also on the road longer. 
  • In 2017, 1,100 additional roadway deaths occurred during rideshare trips. 

Statistics like these can help Uber riders and drivers understand the risks of ridesharing and plan accordingly. 

Requirements for Uber Drivers in Morristown

To address some risks of driving or riding with Uber, the company sets certain requirements for its drivers. Uber’s requirements for drivers include:

  • Uber drivers must be at least 21 years old, with at least 3 years’ experience driving. 
  • The Uber driver’s vehicle must be insured in their name in the state they plan to drive in.
  • The Uber driver must pass a background check, conducted by Uber, which looks for information like a history of drunk driving or other criminal behavior, accidents, reckless driving, or intentional misuse of a vehicle. 

Uber occasionally revises or updates its requirements in response to the data the company collects. Uber also works to conform to the law in each state where it operates.

In New Jersey, Uber and other rideshare companies must comply with Sami’s Law, a 2019 law passed to provide protections for rideshare passengers. Under Sami’s Law, rideshare companies must “issue additional identification materials to drivers to help passengers correctly identify their vehicle.” These materials include:

  • Two identifying markers to display on the front windshield and rear window,
  • A two-dimensional barcode that passengers can scan to confirm the identity of the vehicle, and 
  • Two credential placards to display on the drivers’ and passengers’ side rear windows with the driver’s name, photo, and license plate number.” 

If these signs can be lighted, the lights must be turned on in the dark so passengers can see the signs. 

Both Uber’s requirements and Sami’s Law are intended to reduce risks for Uber drivers and passengers Yet even the safest Uber driver can end up in a crash. Other risks on the road can result in a collision. 

Common Uber Accident Injuries in Morristown

Car accidents can cause catastrophic injuries. Some of the most severe injuries suffered in Morristown Uber accidents include: 

  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBI). Traumatic brain injuries cause damage to the brain. A TBI may be “closed,” injuring the brain inside the skull, or “penetrating,” in which an object pierces the skull and enters the brain. Brain injuries can be slow to heal and difficult to treat, causing symptoms that linger for months or years. Moderate to severe TBIs often cause permanent injuries. 
  • Neck, back, and spinal cord injuries. Spinal cord injuries can cause permanent problems with movement or even total paralysis. They are generally considered the most expensive injuries and the most difficult injuries to treat. Other injuries to the neck and back can also cause lingering or permanent pain, mobility issues, and other symptoms. 
  • Broken bones. The forces generated by a car crash can easily break bones. Bone damage may range from a hairline fracture to shattered bone. In some cases, broken bones require surgery to treat. Hardware like screws, pins, or rods may be implanted to hold the bones in place as they heal. Some of this hardware may be permanent; some may require additional surgeries to remove. Complications during the healing process may require additional surgeries as well. 
  • Amputations. The force of a crash can do more than break bones. It can also tear limbs from the body, causing a traumatic amputation. Or crash forces may do so much damage to a limb that it must be removed to protect the rest of the body. Amputations permanently change how you move in daily life and how you approach everyday tasks. While many people adapt to an amputation, the damage is permanent – and the need for prosthetics and other mobility aids may be lifelong as well. 

Always seek medical attention as soon as possible after an injury, including an Uber accident injury. If you haven’t seen a doctor for your Uber crash injuries, do so as soon as possible. If you have, follow your doctor’s instructions. Don’t hesitate to call your doctor’s office to ask questions if you aren’t sure what to do. 

What to Do After a Morristown Uber Accident

If you’re in an accident, keep these steps in mind. Even if your accident happened some time ago, you can follow some of these steps or speak to an experienced Morristown Uber accident lawyer for help. 

Safety First

At any car crash scene, call 911 immediately. Use vehicle hazard light, flares, or brightly-colored objects to make it easier for oncoming traffic to see and avoid the scene. 

Collect Information

Collect as much information as you can at the scene of the accident. Get the name and contact information of everyone involved in the crash, as well as the names and contact information of any witnesses. Draw a diagram, make notes, or take photos to preserve what you remember and what happened. 

Communicate What Has Happened

Stay on the scene unless you are transported away by emergency medical personnel. By staying, you can talk to police and first responders about what happened. Report the crash to Uber as soon as possible. Speak to an experienced Morristown Uber accident lawyer like the team at the Todd J. Leonard Law Firm as soon as you can. An experienced lawyer can explain your legal rights and help you understand what to expect if you decide to file a claim. 

See a Doctor As Soon As Possible

Human bodies respond to car accidents as the life-threatening emergencies they are. The body produces adrenaline and other chemicals to help you focus, function, and stay alive. Yet these same chemicals that can help you stay alive also reduce your ability to notice other things, such as pain and injuries. 

Consequently, it’s common for those in car accidents to think they’re not badly hurt at first, only to realize over the next few days that they were injured. See a doctor as soon as possible after a crash, even if you don’t think you were hurt. A doctor can record any injuries and provide treatment to help you recover from the trauma of the crash. 

Collect and Store Your Records Safely

Keep and store all your paperwork related to the crash in one location. If you’re missing paperwork from an emergency room or doctor’s visit, contact the hospital or doctor and ask for a new copy. 

Save all your bills and receipts from costs related to the accident. These may include medical bills or receipts to repair or replace damaged property. If you missed work due to your injuries, save your pay stubs, any paperwork from your employer, and any other records that show how much time you missed or how much pay you lost because you couldn’t work. If your employer gives you paperwork related to disability leave or FMLA leave, save this as well.

Finally, start writing down conversations about the crash. Whenever you talk to a doctor, repair person, insurance company, your employer, or someone else about the crash, write down the date, time, who you spoke to, and a sentence or two that describes what you talked about. Keep this log with your other paperwork. If you decide to file a claim, your attorney can use this information to substantiate your losses. 

Talk to an Experienced Morristown New Jersey Uber Injury Attorney Today

If you were injured in a rideshare accident or lost a loved one in an Uber or Lyft crash, you’re not alone. The dedicated rideshare accident injury lawyers at the Todd J. Leonard Law Firm can help. We’ve helped our injured clients for over 30 years, earning a five-star rating and recovering over $100 million on our clients’ behalf. In each case we handle, we do our best to hold negligent drivers accountable and get our clients the justice they deserve.

To learn more, schedule a free consultation with one of our attorneys. Call us at 973-920-7900 or use our online form to reach out. There is never a fee unless we win your case. Visit us at our Denville or Morristown office – whichever is more convenient for you. 

I highly recommend using this law firm.

My lawyer Paul Paravati was always available there for me and gave me first rate service.

- Richard B.
The Leonard Law Firm is truly amazing.

They go above and beyond to make sure you get what you deserve.

- Gina V.
Todd and his staff were courteous and caring about my personal well-being.

They were knowledgeable and settled my case in an expedited manner. I really felt they were on my side the whole way. Thank you Todd and staff for excellent treatment!

- B.H.
He was relentless

until the case was fully settled and all was in our favor. Thank you so much. We highly recommend his office to anyone.

- E. and M.
Todd Leonard and his staff made me feel like family.

Trust me, he will take you into his hands and take care of all your personal injury legal matters. They are friendly, professional, and go out all the way for you. Thank you Todd Leonard and staff.

- Frank O.
You are the most amazing person

and I am indebted to you forever!

- P.S.
Mr. Leonard’s law firm constantly kept in touch

and on top of my problems. They were quick to respond to my legal needs and were very attentive and showed real concern to my issues. I highly recommend them to anyone needing legal representation.

- Leslie W.

A proven track record of success

Product Liability & Auto Accident
Drunk Driving Accident
Car Accident Road Defect
Workplace Construction Accident
Fall Down Accident
Car Accident State Vehicle
Car Accident State Vehicle
Fatal Apartment Fire
Auto Accident
Auto Accident
Civil Sexual Assault Lawsuit
Slip & Fall Accident
Fall Down Accident
Product Liability & Auto Accident
Drunk Driving Accident
Car Accident Road Defect
Workplace Construction Accident
Fall Down Accident
Car Accident State Vehicle
Fatal Apartment Fire
Auto Accident
Auto Accident
Civil Sexual Assault Lawsuit
Slip & Fall Accident
Fall Down Accident
Product Liability & Auto Accident
Car Accident/Brain Injury
Drunk Driving Accident
Slip and Fall: Workers’ Compensation & Premises Liability Accident
Car Accident Road Defect
Workplace Construction Accident
Fall Down Accident
Car Accident State Vehicle
Fatal Fire Apartment
Auto Accident
Auto Accident
Slip & Fall Accident

Request a Free Consultation

Being injured or having a family member injured can have serious and lifelong consequences. We can try to ease the burden. Contact us today to learn more about how our team of experienced New Jersey accident attorneys can support you through these challenging times.