April 4, 2022
Benefits of working with an Injury Attorney for Lyft Accidents
An Injury Attorney who handles New Jersey Lyft accidents is a personal injury attorney with extensive experience in cases such as car accidents. Hiring a skilled attorney in New Jersey to handle your Lyft accident case results in numerous benefits to you.
A seasoned personal injury attorney is your voice in the case, working to achieve fair and equitable compensation for your injuries. Working with a rideshare accident attorney will ensure your rights are protected against insurance companies who want to avoid paying out on a claim or who want to reduce the claim.
A personal injury lawyer is experienced in proving liability based on the facts of the case and can extract compensation from an insurance company and/or the other driver once fault is established.
Having a highly experienced rideshare accident lawyer on your side, acting as your voice and advocate, helps you obtain equitable and fair compensation for your injuries. If you sadly lost a loved one in a Lyft accident, the Todd J. Leonard Law Firm’s Wrongful Death Attorneys know how to pursue compensation for the loss of your loved one.
The basis of any accident, including Lyft crashes, involves proving the defendant, or at-fault party, owed a duty of care to the plaintiff to drive responsibly. The attorney can prove, legally, that the injuries you sustained in a Lyft collision were a direct result of the defendant’s breach of duty.
The key in Lyft accident cases is whether or not there was negligence involved. Working with an attorney for Lyft accidents means the lawyer can show that you, the plaintiff, were injured as a result of the defendant’s negligence. It is best to hire a knowledgeable personal injury attorney to handle your Lyft accident and not an attorney who does criminal defense or family law.
Many plaintiffs or potential plaintiffs do not consider that working with an attorney for Lyft accidents means saving money, as attorneys work on a contingency fee basis. This means you only pay the attorney when they win your case. Lawyers do not ask for money upfront; rather get a percentage of your settlement or personal injury award. If for some reason, a case is lost, you do not pay anything.
In some collisions, there are multiple parties involved. An experienced personal injury lawyer is adept at handling various separate claims against each at-fault party in the accident. A personal injury attorney works on an effective strategy to ensure the insurance company offers a reasonable and fair settlement if there are serious injuries.
It is best to interview several attorneys to determine which one you feel the most comfortable with and seems to understand you and your case thoroughly. Working with an attorney who understands your situation and works toward a fair resolution is another benefit of hiring a capable and skilled personal injury attorney after a Lyft accident.
Contact the Todd J. Leonard Law Firm for Immediate Assistance Now!
If you have been in a Lyft vehicle accident, call us to discuss your case. At the Todd J. Leonard Law Firm, we know what it takes to obtain the compensation you need and deserve if you are injured. We offer relentless personal injury representation and work to prove liability and hold those who caused an accident responsible when it comes time to reach a settlement or verdict.
Our New Jersey personal injury attorneys have over 35 years of experience aggressively representing seriously injured clients in all types of accident claims, including those injured at work. We have successfully handled thousands of car accidents, truck accidents, pedestrian accidents and ride-share claims. We have recovered over $100 million for our clients and can effectively negotiate on your behalf with even the largest insurance companies. We have successfully served thousands of clients throughout New Jersey. To learn more about how we can help you pursue a compensation claim, give us a call today at (973) 920-7900 to request a free and confidential consultation. You can also connect with us through our online form. There is never a fee unless we win. We have two conveniently located offices in Denville and Morristown, New Jersey.