February 12, 2020
Car Accident FAQs
Q1: What should I do if I am seriously injured in a New Jersey car accident?
A1: If you have been seriously injured in a car accident, it is important to immediately seek medical attention. If possible, obtain the defendant’s car insurance information at your earliest opportunity. Notify your car insurance carrier to get a claim opened up for you on your behalf, as this also allows you to get your medical bills and property damage paid for.
Q2: Is New Jersey a no-fault state?
A2: Yes, New Jersey is a no-fault state. Regardless of who is at-fault for your car accident, your medical bills can be paid by your own car insurance carrier. If you were seriously injured and the vehicle that caused your accident is at-fault, it is vital that your rights are protected. Therefore, it is important to consult with an experienced New Jersey Personal Injury law firm. The New Jersey car accident attorneys at the Todd J. Leonard Law Firm have over 35 years of experience, and can help alleviate the stresses that comes when dealing with your insurance provider, medical care facility, and holding the person who hurt you accountable for your injuries.
Q3: If I have selected the “limitation lawsuit threshold” on my car insurance, what does this mean?
A3: In New Jersey, if you are in an auto accident, and you have chosen the “limitation on lawsuit option” for your car insurance coverage, in order to bring a lawsuit, you will need to prove that you have sustained a permanent injury based on objective evidence, even if the other driver was at-fault.
Contact Our Team of Experienced New Jersey Car Accident Injury Lawyers
If you have been seriously injured, or sadly, lost a loved one in a car accident, contact our experienced New Jersey Car Accident Attorneys who can offer the advice you can trust and need during this uncertain and difficult time. New Jersey has a two-year statute of limitations time limit, whereby a person can bring an injury lawsuit. The New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyers at the Todd J. Leonard Law Firm have over 35 years of experience successfully handling all types of serious car accidents, and have represented thousands of clients throughout New Jersey. We have recovered millions of dollars in compensation for our clients.
The Todd J. Leonard Law Firm has three convenient locations, including in Morris County, New Jersey –Denville (our main office), and Morristown, as well as an office in Newark. Contact us today for a free, confidential consultation at (973) 920-7900 to get the justice you deserve!